Q: Where exactly is NETCamp happening? A: NET Camp is at Mountaindale Girl Scout Camp. For safety they have asked that we not publish anything more on the web but when you sign up for camp you will get driving directions and a map of the camp.
Q: The event is called NETCamp, do I have to camp? A: No, we have indoor sleeping options as well as tent choices. You are also welcome to come for the day only and drive home at night but know that Saturday events start at 8am so plan accordingly. For more information about sleeping options check out the accommodations page.
Q: I have a dog. Can I bring them? A: Sadly no. The site only allows service animals.
Q: Do I have to come the whole weekend? A: Though we do think you will get the most out of coming for all three days you do not have to. You are welcome to come Friday and Saturday, Saturday only or Saturday and Sunday. But to be able to take part in the exercise on Sunday you must come to Saturdays classes.
Q: I see that there is a scholarship for camp. Is there one for the food plan? A: As of right now there is no scholarship for food. PBEM helps cover the cost of the camp which is why we can offer a scholarship but city rules make it so they can’t help cover food. In the past, donations of kind people from the NET community have helped cover the food for people on scholarship for camp but at this time we cannot guarantee it.
Q: I don’t own a car or drive. Can I still come to camp? A: Yes, we do our best to help everyone who wants to come to camp to be able to. We work with other people who come for the same days you are to work on carpooling to camp. In fact the site has limited parking so we may require all those who can carpool to do so.
Q: What Covid-19 precautions do you have at NET Camp? A: Most of the classes and exercises will be taking place outdoors. Between 4 and 5 classes take place outdoors each session. The camp is several acres large. So these outdoor classes are not sandwiched close together, spacewise. Only 2 classes each session take place indoors. The buildings' doors and windows will be open, to increase ventilation. Additionally, all of our indoor spaces will have HEPA filters. We will also have portable HEPA filters to loan out. And we will have plenty of N95 masks to give participants who would like them. Additionally, there will be spaces to both eat and sleep outside. The number of outdoor camping spots is limited, however. So please get your registration in as soon as you can. If all outdoor spaces were filled before you were able to register, and if this would prevent you from attending due to a health concern, please let us know. We can't guarantee you an outdoor spot, but we will try to work something out.
Q: Can I attend if I haven't completed my NET, BEECN or CERT training? A: Sadly no. This event is only open to active NETs, BEECN Volunteers, and CERTS. Active NET = A volunteer who 1) has completed 28 hours of Basic NET Training and/or completed NET ARO certification, 2) has been issued an ID card or is awaiting one, and 3) endeavors to maintain deployable status in the program through participation in trainings, exercises, and meetings. If you have not yet completed training, you are a NET Applicant. Active BEECN Volunteer = A volunteer who 1) has completed the 90-minute BEECN training online or in-person, 2) has been issued an ID card or is awaiting one, and 3) has been assigned to a BEECN site and been provided access information. If you have not yet completed the training and assignment process you are a BEECN Applicant. Active CERTS = A volunteer who meets all of there local teams requirements to counted as active for their CERT program.
Q: This looks great. Can I bring my kids, pets, or other family members along too? A: If your thinking of a family member that has completed one of the training requirements outlined above, then yes. Otherwise no. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate children or pets.