Welcome to Your NETSquad.
NETSquad Plan from 2023. Adjustments may be made for 2024.
At NETCamp, you get to be on a NETSquad! A NETSquad is basically your NETCamp NET Team. Your NETSquad will be made up of 8-12 campers. This is the fabric of NETCamp.
You'll be given your NETSquad assignment by NETCamp staff when you check-in at camp. As with an actual deployment, the first person on your Squad to check in will be Incident Commander until your team confirms this person or chooses another. This initial Incident Commander will be given your unique NETSquad packet at this time. Each packet includes your team roster, instructions for a few things, and some forms to fill out at various times over the weekend. Your Squad will be assigned its own radio channel, and throughout the weekend you'll be given opportunities to practice using your radios. Charging options may be limited. Bring extra batteries! Your NETSquad will set up an incident command structure, and if you are staying for the Sunday Skills Test Deployment, your Squad will also be your deployment team.
At NETCamp, you get to be on a NETSquad! A NETSquad is basically your NETCamp NET Team. Your NETSquad will be made up of 8-12 campers. This is the fabric of NETCamp.
You'll be given your NETSquad assignment by NETCamp staff when you check-in at camp. As with an actual deployment, the first person on your Squad to check in will be Incident Commander until your team confirms this person or chooses another. This initial Incident Commander will be given your unique NETSquad packet at this time. Each packet includes your team roster, instructions for a few things, and some forms to fill out at various times over the weekend. Your Squad will be assigned its own radio channel, and throughout the weekend you'll be given opportunities to practice using your radios. Charging options may be limited. Bring extra batteries! Your NETSquad will set up an incident command structure, and if you are staying for the Sunday Skills Test Deployment, your Squad will also be your deployment team.
Portland NETCamp logo designed by Christa Mrgan